Paul A. Rubin schrieb:

> Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
>> [...]
>> What do you suggest for the "visual tour" aspect? Just to sum up,
>> currently there is a link on the sidebar that says "Visual Tour."
> [...]
> I think the current setup is fine.  At the risk of redundancy, it might 
> be worth including a direct link to the screenshots on the left of the 
> main page, under the visual tour link.  Arriving at the home page, I 
> might interpret "visual tour" as "lengthy Flash demo", and I'm reluctant 
> to spend time watching a video unless I'm pretty sure I'm interested in 
> the program -- which I confirm partly by looking at screenshots.  But I 
> may be atypical in that regard.

I think most users look for "screenshot" or "screenshots", so I would
agree with you, Paul.


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