Oh, I see...

They also wrote this line under that figure: "For ASYMPTOTE versions ≥
1.14, you can simply call PDFLATEX directly" - but I have misunderstood
it, probably; I thought it meant that in this specific case (version ≥
1.14), I *don't* need to do that.

Well, then...

I am looking for a workaround now.

Is it possible to export a LyX document to a TeX document without losing
data? Then, I'll be able to do what they suggest in the documentation.


On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 19:38 +0200, Manveru wrote:
> Hough!
> I am not a specialist of ASYMPTOTE, but I've just looked into the
> documentation. They directly tell about makefile for latex with asymptote:
> document.pdf: document.tex
>     pdflatex -shell-escape document
>     asy document
>     pdflatex -shell-escape document
> It means that ASYMPTOTE need an additional step during document generation
> which launch "asy" command between two "pdflatex" invocations. This is what
> LyX is *not able* to do. Generation process is compiled in, automatic... and
> as some people suggests, not user configurable.
> Maybe it is worth to put feature request in bugzilla, to get this to work
> when \usepackage{asymptote} is used in preamble definition.
> Regards,
> M.
> 2008/5/13 Peleg Michaeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I am trying to embed Asymptote in LyX documents.
> >
> > I am following this tutorial:
> > http://www.dse.nl/~dario/projects/asylatex/asylatex.pdf<http://www.dse.nl/%7Edario/projects/asylatex/asylatex.pdf>
> >
> > I am doing everything as suggested:
> > * I have included \usepackage{asymptote} and
> > \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} in the LaTeX preamble
> > * I have done Crtl-L in the middle of the document and added this LaTeX
> > code:
> >
> > \begin{figure}
> > \centering
> > \begin{asy}
> > size (3cm);
> > draw (unitcircle);
> > \end{asy}
> > \caption{Embedded Asymptote figures are easy!}
> > \label{fig:embedded}
> > \end{figure}
> >
> > When I generate the document (using pdflatex), I get nothing special: a
> > "figure" with "PDF" written there, but no image (no "unitcircle")...
> > when I do the same, but with DVI, I get "EPS" written instead of the
> > unitcircle. Either way, I don't see any picture...
> >
> > I have a new version of Asymptote: 1.18 - so it should work
> > automatically with pdflatex.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> > Maybe I should ask a different list?
> >
> > Thanks ahead,
> > Peleg.
> >
> >
> >

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