On Mon, 19 May 2008 18:11:16 +0100, Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 19 May 2008, Marwan Boustany wrote:

Is it necessary to force very float to be 'here definitely' if I actually
want it to be correctly placed in the text?

   That probably depends on how 'correctly' is defined.

I tried to leave all floats at default, and when the pdf was created,
there were floats in the middle of itemize lists, on the wrong pages and
even in the wrong order... totally erratic...

   This is probably reflecting something broken in your document.

Why is the default placement so bad? Any ideas as to why the default is so bad? Suggestions?

In the 6 or 7 years I've been using LyX I've never written a document that had 'bad' default placement of floats. If you look in the mail list archives
I believe that you'll find few (if any) complaints.

It is just that in the manual it states that forcing things to be 'here
definitely' can destroy page layout.

   Very true.

Why not post the preamble and beginning portion of your document -- with a
floated figure or table -- so we can see the context for your complaint.


The preamble is empty, float placement is set at default in document settings, and all the floats are set at default. Though it must be stated that I had the default float positioning set at 'here definitely' for a while.

Regarding what you want me to post: -

my document is 40 pages long and the major offenders for floating madness are nearer the end...

So I tried to just take out a portion where it wrong, but when i run that by itself, it formats perfectly in default.

So all together, the floats are a mess, but when i take out a portion, it works perfectly.

Not sure if this will make sense to anyone...

But perhaps there is something 'broken in the document', if so, how can I transfer all the work in this document to another one and make a clean break?

My apologies for not yet posting it, it is just that this is the first half of my as yet unsubmitted thesis... and I am not sure if it is a good idea to post it up at a public forums like this...

Thank you for your time..


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