G. Milde wrote:
On 20.06.08, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

There are two items where I am not sure I know enough.

One is the hardware prerequisites. There are a few remarks in the web,
but not much detailled hints. I do realize that it depends much on what
one plans to do (text only versus many figures, presentations (powerdot
and the like) with large figures etc).

I do not know about the minimum, but LyX 1.5.5 runs well on my modest
work PC
* with 250 MB RAM (whereof LyX uses ca. 8 MB)

I can't believe that. Without anything loaded LyX uses around 15 MB of RAM. When a big document is loaded, say UserGuide.lyx, add 10 MB to that. This is on Windows. I guess the 8 MB doesn't count the Qt dlls in memory. This is fair as long as you use them for other software (eg. KDE).


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