I just want to add the information regarding this problem.
When I print file to pdf, from viewpdf(pdflatex), then I open this file,
now I can see the shifted text area in every even page (different with
viewpdf), just like what I get from the printer.

Could anyone help me to solve this problem.


On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 16:23 +0800, Waluyo Adi Siswanto wrote:
> Hi All
> I have a problem when printing from viewpdf(pdflatex).
> The print result of the even page always shifted to the left (towards
> outer margin, it looks like the left margin of the even pages indented
> about 12 mm), 
> therefore when I print double sided, the text area does not match.
> The correct ones is the odd pages.
> This behavior does not happen in dvi and ps, the text areas in odd and
> even pages are perfectly matched in double sided,
> but the printed fonts are less quality compared with pdf print.
> How can I get the matched text areas when I print viewpdf(psdflatex).
> Thanks
> /Adi

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