So far I'm pleased with how lyx shortens the learning curve for using latex. 
However, I have several problems converting the document into either rtf or an 
openoffice document ( publisher's demanding .doc instead of latex or pdf).

1. Converting to .rtf : 
      When I use natbib , numerical option, with sort&compress option, citation 
format [#ID}, I get an rtf file which does not have any citations in the file.

2. When using the converter to an opendocument:
      Everything converts including the bibliography, however, the references 
are all running together instead of each reference starting a separate line ( 
Vellios F, Bacz JM, Shumacker HB. Lipoblastomatosis: A tumor of fetal
fat different from hibernoma. Report of a case, with observations of
embryogenesis of human adipose tissue. Am J Pathol.
1958;34:1149–1159. 2. Chung EB, Enzinger FM. Benign
lipoblastomatosis. An analysis of 35 cases. Cancer. 1973
Aug;32(2):482–492. 3. Chen Z, Coffin CM, Scott S, Meloni-Ehrig A,
Shepard R, Issa B, et al. Evidence by spectral karyotyping that
8q11.2 is nonrandomly involved in lipoblastoma. J Mol Diagn. 2000

Are there any workarounds to these problems?

Lyx : and Ubuntu linux 8.04


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