
I'm sorry if this came up before, but I could not find an answer in the 

I'm using Lyx 1.5.5 on a default document of type "article", single column, 
that includes numerous wrap-figures (float->text Wrap float...). The figures 
have an eps-graphic (created with Inkscape, mostly, but also from other
sources. The problem does not seem eps-file sensitive), with a figure-caption 
below the graphic that includes a label.

My problem is that Lyx reserves too much space below the figures. There is the 
graphics, followed by the caption, the followed by 2-4 extra lines of white 
space. This looks rather goofy and wastes precious space when you are up 
against page-limits. Furthermore, the white space below the figures can spill 
over to the next page, which is very undesirable.

So my question is: how can I control the extend of the vertical space that is 
set aside for the figure?

I tried editing the bounding-box info in the EPS file, which helps to controll 
the space between the graphic and the caption, but this doesn't seem to 
affect the space after the caption.

The LaTeX code generated by Lyx looks like this:

\includegraphics[bb=0bp 10bp 150bp 150bp]{eqi}

\caption{\label{fig:OCT-vs.-HFT}OCT vs. HFT Sensing}

I guess that "l" is the parameter that I want to change (make smaller). But 
how to do this in a semi repeatable fashion?

Thanks for any suggestions/pointers in advance
  --  Andreas

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