Nikos Alexandris schrieb:

I already use LyX 1.6.0rc2 under Ubuntu Hardy Heron :-) Yet, I can't
seem to find this function. Could you point-out were is that?

Open the outliner and select there "List of listings". When it is not there, then this feature has been added after rc2.

The best is here to open your LyX file with a text editor and do the change 

Hmmm? I might have not been clear in my question: For the Program
Listing inset one can set (in the Settings dialog) the option "Broke
long lines". I would like to know if it is possible to activate this
option in one step for all Program Listing insets in one document.

No. That's why I proposed the text editor solution.
But you can alternatively add the option


to the document class options in the document settings. This will then for LateX have the same effect. But then the option is set for _ALL_ listings in your document. The local setting of breaklines in each listings inset is then ignored by LaTeX.

regards Uwe

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