
I've got a problem regarding inserting graphics into my thesis.
I already inserted one .png graphic (a scan converted into a 450x443 png), and 
it shows up nicely in my pdf document in a suitable size (some 5x5cm) without 
scaling in lyx. I don't really know how the word is called in English, but 
used the "insert freeflowing - object" option. as described in the wiki, i 
first inserted the graphics not in the frame, that appears next to 
the "object 1: " label, but above it (option "insert graphics"). then i 
deleted the label with the frame and wrote my own one. (in the wiki I read 
that this is the only way to get the labels customized (position and name).

today i created another one, using gimp, which i saved as .png too (exactly 
the same size). when i tried to insert it right above the header of the next 
chapter (I'm planning to continue writing tomorrow morning), it didn't show 
up at all in the .pdf (whereath visible in lyx; this just resulted in pushing 
my footers of this page into the page number in the .pdf).
when i tried to insert it (the same way as described above) in another place , 
it showed up huge (filling almost the hole page) and transparently placed 
over the text (whereath a gap in the text is visible for a "freeflowing 
object"). scaling the object in lyx (to 25%) helps a bit, but 1) the page 
mirror is somewhat distorted (resulting in some sentences being shown outside 
the printable part of the page) and 2) the graphic is displayed in an ugly 
way (without the bottom and left side of the frame).

I compared the two graphics and they have exactly the same characteristics 
(.png, 32 bpp, 450x443, compression huffman (deflate), color: RGB/alpha/ 
although it's all greyscale). if i watch them in gimp they also have exactly 
the same size.

Any help is greatly appreciated, because these are the only two, but rather 
important graphics, that I use in my thesis.
I'm using:
lyx 1.5.3 linux 
latex preamble:


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