On 25/10/2008 00:17, Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Mike Ressler wrote:

I can assure you that LyX has been used to write hundreds of
dissertations, theses, and scholarly papers

Interesting question... how many such documents have been written using

I've written something like 10-20 documents (not counting presentations
created with LyX). If ten documents is a typical number, and LyX has
hundreds of users, we'd be talking about thousands of documents prepared
with LyX.

I've written tens of technical documents, training course and teaching materials and a PhD thesis; I am not counting letters. I guess most LyX developers are at least in the same league. Many many students in France begins with LyX to ease the path to LateX; unfortunately most of them switch to MSWord after school...

So, I am pretty sure that 'hundreds of documents' is a vast under-estimate. We are most probably talking about hundreds of documents per year just in France. I guess that you can multiply this number by three or four in Germany...

Actually... I wonder how many users are subscribed just to the users' list?

I also always wanted to know. But that won't count gmane or nabble users (like me). Web traffic is also a good indication.



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