On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:30:47 -0500, Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I considered both LyX and DocBook. At the time, the only free
software front end I could find for DocBook was Emacs, and my wrists just
aren't that flexible.

Hi, Steve.

Thanks for your comments. My issue at this point isn't converting to LyX--I already know I *want* to use it. The issue is that management prefers to avoid LaTeX and instead opt for our local industry standard, which is DocBook. We're also involved in the XML databinding business, so spending some extra time with XML-related technologies is more comfortable in general.

LyX works well with DocBook/SGML (save for a few problems I've had with images). DocBook, however, is transitioning away from SGML to XML, and LyX doesn't support the XML format as well as I need. My attempts to transform the XML export into HTML failed, and I think this is because the XML export from LyX is not compatible.

If LyX isn't DocBook/XML-ready, that's fine--I'll continue using it for my one-off docs that I write for our customers. But if it can be fairly easily used to produce DocBook/XML, I'll press a bit harder for its adoption through the rest of the office.

Thanks again for your thoughts,


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