Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 03:47:45PM -0500, Michael Wojcik wrote:
>> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>> What's wrong with static linking? At least it goes away when the
>>> application goes away.
>> Completely infeasible on Windows. ...
>> Many people have done
>> back-of-the-envelope calculations to demonstrate this; I think I did
>> some myself, in a post to alt.folklore.computers some time back.
> Some time back I was disputing the sheer possibility to catch a virus
> using email. Still ... "environments" ... came up that made _not catching
> one_ an art...  So "things done a while back" do not count in IT.

That's one of the silliest generalizations I've seen in some time.
People who ignore the history of IT are doomed to repeat it. Usually

In this specific case, the situation has only gotten worse.

However, I have no particular interest in demonstrating it. If you
think static linking is feasible on Windows, go ahead and build LyX
that way.

> Mac OS X pretty much shows that _not_ sharing shared libraries on an
> application level is a feasible approach to DLL hell. 

I wouldn't take anything Apple does as a model. I've used too many
Apple products. And avoiding shared code in applications is a solution
to "DLL hell" (which is a system administration problem, not an
application architecture one) in the same way that walking is a
solution to airplane safety.

>> It's a lousy idea in any case, as anyone who remembers compiling all
>> of BSD 4.2 to switch from local-files resolution to DNS remembers.
>> Dynamic linking lets you fix the bug or add the feature in one place.
> So why go from  to  at all, if 
> incompatible changes can be, as you seem to say, avoided?

Because there are many changes that *are* compatible?

I'm not a libstdc++ maintainer, so I don't know offhand what the
differences in those two releases are; and I'm not going to trawl
through the release notes to find out. But it's very rare that a bug
fix, or even a new feature, needs to alter an existing API, so there's
no reason for it to introduce incompatibility. (Maintaining undefined
behavior isn't a compatibility issue. Applications that rely on
undefined behavior are broken.)

>> Dynamic linking is a good thing. It's worked very well on a number of
>> OSes.
> Examples?

Most mainframe OSes - all of the MVS and VM family, for example. Also
IBM's midrange OSes from S/38 through AS/400 to iOS. Many Unix
variants, such as SVR4 and AIX. I believe dynamic linking in VMS
wasn't bad, though I only ever looked at it briefly. Worked pretty
well on OS/2.

For that matter, it often works well on Windows, when DLL management
is done properly.

>> It would work on Windows if Microsoft could figure out 1) how to
>> version properly, and 2) how to maintain backward compatibility. And
>> it's not like those are unsolved problems.
> I am happy to have learned now that these problems are solved.

They were solved decades ago.

Michael Wojcik
Micro Focus
Rhetoric & Writing, Michigan State University

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