Maarten Smoorenburg wrote:
Allright, here's a zip of all my layouts (I modified a few article layouts). Some area recognised by LyX as unavailable and give the mentioned error message, others (i.e., copernicus and hess layouts) give the message 'The document class copernicus (or hess) could not be loaded.

I also added the configure.log file and some of the copernicus LaTeX class and style files + documentation. My aim is to build one copernicus layout, for which the user must specify the journal abbreviation in the LyX custon class options field of the document settings.

Hope you can see anything more than I in the logfile? Ciao

Hmm. Works for me! Both your copernicus.layout and hess.layout load just fine---except that the ClassOptions thing doesn't seem to like commas. So you need to do this:
      Other "hess,ms"
with the quotes.

Your configure file doesn't contain any check for copernicus, which is strange. Can you reconfigure again, and then post both the configure log and the file textclass.lst? You can also try deleting your textclass.lst and forcing configure to regenerate it.


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