Maarten Smoorenburg schrieb:

I am sorry, but I have done it as you described in the wiki. From MiKTeX the
class is found and I can build my edited version of the template.tex file.
All is put in the zip I attached. All citations are typesetted correctly!

Because you don't use babel. The infinite loop is caused by a bug in copernicus regarding the babel package. babel is one of the very basic packages and every other package must be able to handle it. I'll inform the authors of copernicus.

I see from the log file that the copernicus.cls is found in the directory
you indicated in the wiki. So there's is something wrong with the
reconfiguring of LyX, as copernicus is not mentioned in the config.lst file
of my LyX installation.

Then it seems that you have another copernicus.layout file on your computer. To test this out, copy my layout file to the same folder where you have stored my copernicus.lyx example file. Then reconfigure LyX again and try to process the copernicus.lyx.
Now it must work as LyX then use the right layout file.

regards Uwe

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