dcmertens wrote:
> abc<ert>def</ert> ghi
> -to tex-
> abcdef\ ghi

Because this is not expected in all cases, and because you cannot revert this 
to a normal blank (whereas you can always get the desired result if you insert 
an "inter-word space" [M-C-<space>] instead of a normal blank).

For instance, if I write
Ma<ert>\ss</ert> stab, I do not want LyX to output "Ma\ss\ stab", 
"but "Ma\ss stab".

Also, how do you want to reliably differentiate between

abc<ert>def</ert> ghi => abcdef\ ghi
ab<ert>\c{def}</ert> ghi => ab\c{def} ghi
abc<ert>def\</ert> ghi => abcef\ ghi
abc<ert>def{}</ert> ghi => abcef{} ghi

just to list a few of the usual variants?

Not to mention the problems you get if you try to handle old documents and to 
convert from the status quo to the proposed handling.

This is bound to fail.


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