On Tuesday 27 January 2009, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> >> I am using Ubuntu Hardy, texlive 2007-13
> >
> > AFAIK, you need at least TeXLive-2008 for SyncTeX.
> Thank explains - now I only need some pointers, on how I can install
> it on Ubuntu


There seem to be some problems integrating it with apt (the package manager). 
It's pretty easy to install independently of the package manager, though it 
is a very large (at least 1.2GB) download.  You can get it from CTAN 
(http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/texlive/Images/).  The simple answer 
would be to wait until Jaunty (9.04) comes out (scheduled final release April 
23, 2009).  But it will still be TeXLive-2007 in 9.04, so if you want the new 
version soon, you'll have to bypass apt.

I have TeXLive-2008 running on my Gentoo system (it is "unstable" in portage, 
the Gentoo package manager), and have not had any problems at all with it.


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