Since upgrading from LyX 1.5.4 to LyX 1.6.1 I have found that Plain Text 
exports from LyX are no longer Plain Text, especially when it comes to 
quotes.  The difference is shown in the two attachments, one from my office 
computer, which is still running 1.5.4, and one from my laptop, which is 
running 1.6.1.  Both have Gentoo Linux as the OS.  The 1.5.4 has 
TeXLive-2007, and the 1.6.1 has TeXLive-2008.

Is there a way of making the quotes strictly ASCII?  I'm getting into trouble 
with a mailing list which insists on plain ASCII text.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
``This is a test''.

“This is a Test”.

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