Doug Laidlaw wrote:
Hi. I am putting together a family history. My publisher and I both like B5 size pages, but B5 paper is not available in small quantities to practise on.

I find that if I write at system default (A4) then reduce it to B5 or A5, only the printing is reduced. I have a small printed area on A4 paper, near the top left corner. Even exporting to Postscript does the same thing.

I think that what is happening is that the printing is in the corner of the sheet, the way it would be put on a photocopier, while my printer centres the smaller sheet, so the printing is displaced relative to the media.

The above reads "as clear as mud," but I am sure that this issue has arisen before. What is the way around it?

Why not set the paper to A4 and then set the margins to produce the same text area (centered on the A4 paper) that you would have with B5? (Assuming I'm understanding this correctly.)


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