On 2009-02-23, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Dotan Cohen schrieb:

>> I suppose that _that_ is the detail that was not clear to me. I did
>> not know that I need to have LaTeX packages installed in my LaTeX
>> distribution. I'm still not sure what that _means_, but I have enough
>> keywords to google on!

> A LaTeX distribution is the same as a Linux distribution, but instead
> of programs like a Linux distro it is a compound of packages.

However, a LaTeX distribution is usually a part of a Linux distribution.
Most modern day Linux distribution come with a re-packed TeXLive.

>>> Installing a LaTeX-package is easy when you use the package manager
>>> of your LaTeX distribution. 

Under Linux you should preferabely use the package manager of the
Linux distribution.

>> As this is a Kubuntu system, should I assume that I am using TeXLive?

> Yes. So just open TeXLive and go there to its package manager ...

While I have a TeXLive based LaTeX installation on my Debian
GNU/Linux system, I cannot "open TeXLive" and the TeXLive package
manager is not part of my installation.

Under Debian (and I guess under the Debian-based Kubuntu too),
I will have to look for svjour with the Debian package manager (apt,
aptitude, synaptic, kpackage) or apt-file.

However, `apt-file find svjour` returned only:

lyx-common: /usr/share/lyx/layouts/svjour.inc
texmacs-common: /usr/share/texmacs/TeXmacs/styles/springer/svjour.ts

so it comes down to ...

> ... When svjour is not offered by the package manager, then do what I
> wrote in my initial mail.

Additional question: For latex, it is sufficient to have contributed
class and package files (like svjour.cls) in the work direc (pwd).
I understand that `lyx --configure` will only consider installed packages and
classes, but could tex2lyx be made aware of "support files" in the pwd?


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