On Mon, 2009-02-23 at 12:28 -0500, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 05:57:38PM +0100, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> > I have tex4ht installed under Ubuntu II / 64-bit. But no way to get it
> > working. Do you mind sharing you preferences (under File Handling)?
> I presume you mean Preferences/Converters (which is all I have here).  The 
> LaTeX(plain)->OpenDocument converter is
>     htlatex $$I 'xhtml,ooffice' 'ooffice/! -cmozhtf' '-coo' '-cvalidate'
> and an extra flag
>     needaux
> This produces an opendoc file with no right margin.  It also does not
> produce the "Redlining" from tracking changes (but I have a feeling
> that's not implemented), and it makes an utter mess of
> cross-references.  It's good enough for sharing with Wordies, though,
> if you are prepared to reintegrate their changes manually.  
> A

Thank you for your time Andrew. Unfortunately it does not work for me.
Cheers, Nikos

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