El 19/03/2009, a las 18:05, Ellesmere escribió:

I'm using the standard book (not KOMA-script) class to put together a book. So far I'm very happy with it, but I am unable to remove the page numbering from PART sections. I've searched this mailing list far and wide for answers
and so far have not found a solution.

I've tried:

\thispagestyle{empty} on both sides of PART. [...]

I've started putting together a standard book and wanted to use the fancyhdr package. I also had some page numbers showing up spuriously and reading some documentation it said that the pages where the page number was showing up were using the "plain" style. Thus, I added the following to my preamble which resets the style for those pages:


Maybe this guides you in the right direction.

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