Hi Anders,

> Thanks, as I stated, I did try elyxer. That
> actually produces nice output, but it seems
> to support a very limited set of latex/lyx.
> None of my equations or numbered lists
> come out correctly. But maybe this will one
> day be a good tool. It appears to be new.

eLyXer is indeed pretty new: I started playing with the idea in
January for my own purposes, and have published it just a couple of
weeks ago. What we can do is that you send me your document (you can
Loremipsumize it as wished, although it will remain completely
confidential) and I will try to make eLyXer work for you. That way if
it works the whole community benefits; and if it is beyond my modest
means, or you don't like the results, no harm done.

Other LyX users have helped me a lot to make improvements, as you can
see in the acknowledgements -- it could not have progressed so quickly
from a custom personal tool to something more or less usable without
them. I encourage other LyX users to do the same. That is after all
the true Open Source way, isn't it?



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