BH <bewih...@...> writes:

> I haven't used hevea, but I have used tex4ht, which is a part of
> TeXLive; LyX should already recognize it.
> Bennett

I tried using tex4ht on some other documents, and the result is
better than my initial judgement made them. Equations are actually
rendered quite faithfully. But, although this might not
be the right place, I wonder if anybody has some answers
to these questions

1. How do I change formatting, in particular font size? 
2. Similar, how to I change the margins (i.e., so that if I make
the browser window very wide, the text does not continue
to expand)

In general, I have a hard time finding documentation for tex4ht. The web
site says it's highly configurable, but I cannot figure out how.
My knowledge of CSS is limited to knowing what the 
acronym stands for.

3. It seems tex4ht uses latex to compile, and then translates.
That sounds good as it should respect the packages you use.
But, for example, I use enumitem, but that never seems to
work. How come?

4. Tables come out very poorly. Is that a general problem?

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