Ehud Kaplan schrieb:
Is there a way to control the width of a caption of a wrapped figure?
I think in Latex you can specify this independently of the width of the graphics in the wrppaed figure, but how do I do it in Lyx? The current Lyx leaves too much white space around the figure, because the caption is much wider than the figure.

I can't reproduce that.
When my figure is smaller than the caption and I adjust the width of the wrapfigure by the LyX-Dialog, the caption is properly split up in several lines of text. Looking into the documentation of wrapfigure (at the end of wrapfig.sty), it says:

Parameter "#4" (the second required parameter) is the width of the figure
or table.  Given the way that \LaTeX\ puts just about everything into boxes
with the current line-width, the width parameter will take precedence over
whatever natural width the figure has. In particular, the caption is always
typeset with the specified width.

So I don't think the whitespace around the figure is controled by the length of the caption. I could imagine that the horizontal dimension of your wrapfig-environment is set up too big and your picture is left- or right-aligned, that could mislead to the impression you have about the caption.

I hope that gets you any further, regards,


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