I'm trying to find a content markup system (authoring and processing) that can
output to various formats. Something which can be both viewed and printed,
such as PDF, is probably a must, and something easily accessed online, such as
HTML is close behind.  If I could also produce CHM (or similar) Windows help
files that would be nice too.

I come from a IBM BookMaster background so I'm comfortable with content
markup, and don't really need an authoring tool to work with it.  DocBook
seems to fit most of my needs but the markup syntax is user-hostile.  The
DocBook wiki points to a number of authoring tools, most of which are just
generic XML editors.  The only DocBook-specific tool there verges on the
unusable.  It also lists Lyx which seems a mature and usable tool for Latex,
and produces highly attractive PDF documents.  I read though that getting
attractive HTML out of it is difficult.

If I understand correctly I have to choose a target language for Lyx from the
start:  I can't start off with Latex and then later decide to I want to target
DocBook, for example.

So having got Lyx installed I'm looking in more detail at DocBook.  A lot of
the information seems to be out of date.  There's a Lyx-to-X project that only
works up to v1.2.0 of Lyx, and some old discussions on various sites of
needing sgmltools, sgmltools-lite, or maybe sgmltools2, which appear to have
been abandoned some years ago.

This mailing lists contains occasional requests for help, but not too much
information.  If it wasn't for the information at
http://www.neomantic.com/tutorials/lyx-and-docbookXML I would have concluded
that DocBook support in Lyx had been effectively abandoned.

I wonder then if someone could help me with the following:
1. Am I right in my thinking that if I want good quality HTML and potentially
CHM output, as well as PDF, then DocBook is the way to go rather than Latex?

2. And that if I want DocBook, then I need to be using that from the start?

3. Is DocBook development in Lyx abandonded or is it just quiet for the

4. Is there any documentation on what a user of the latest version of Lyx has
to do to resolve the "unavailable class" messages when using DocBook, and what
they need to install in 2009 to get output from it.



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