Am Monday 11 May 2009 13:16:44 schrieb Dominik Waßenhoven:

so I should export my bib file from Jabref in ISO-8599-1 for bibtex. 
bibtex produces the aux file, right? 
And Lyx accepts the ISO-8599-1 code?
What does Lyx do if it gets non- ISO-8599-1 coded characters in the aux-file?

> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > so lyx expects the ISO-8599-1 encoding of the references, and not utf8?
> No, LyX could handle utf8, but BibTeX can't. See the explanation by
> Philipp Lehman on comp.text.tex, Message-ID:
> <>
> (

He talks about UTF8, not utf8, as I see. 


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