
bigfoot messed my cross references up
for example the cross reference that says "on page 102" actually
points to a label which is to be found on page 100
pretty much always 2 pages difference

any help?

2009/7/2 Jan David Hauck <jdh...@gmail.com>:
> hi marcelo,
> thank you so much for your suggestion
> loading bigfoot indeed  helped a lot, the final output is much better
> I didn't know of that package before
> nevertheless I'm getting Latex Errors that haven't been there before
> for example:
> "Paragraph ended before \...@subsection was complete."
> "Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup."
> and some similar errors
> right now I'm reading some documentation of the bigfoot package that I
> got on the internet,
> do you have any other suggestion how to get rid of the errors/ what
> could cause them?
> 2009/7/2 Marcelo Acuña <mv...@yahoo.com.ar>:
>>> dear all,
>>> I'm trying to format my MA thesis for publication and am
>>> stuck with a problem:
>>> I can't get lyx/latex to split all of my footnotes.
>>> It's not that no footnote gets split but a whole bunch of
>>> very large
>>> footnotes (some more than 20 lines) just don't split at all
>>> and are
>>> causing some half a page white space or ugly ragged bottoms
>>> or (if I
>>> flexibilize the parskip command with plus and minus) huge
>>> spaces
>>> between paragraphs.
>>> I tried everything but it doesn't work. I have in the latex
>>> preamble:
>>> \interfootnotelinepenalty=0
>>> \flushbottom
>>> One solution that worked more or less was to put widow- and
>>> orphanpenalty down
>>> right now it's:
>>> \widowpenalty=10000
>>> \clubpenalty=10000
>>> but even a value of 9000 would produce a whole bunch of
>>> unnecessary
>>> widows (no orphans though) that could have easily been
>>> solved with
>>> splitting footnotes. It seems that Lyx (or Latex) just
>>> doesn't like
>>> split footnotes even with that penalty 0 and the widow
>>> 10000.
>>> Any help how I can oblige the program to split my
>>> footnotes??
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> jan
>>  I can get footnote splited with bigfoot package, but with this I have 
>> pagination problems.
>>  Please, if you try with bigfoot, tell me how work.
>>  Regards
>> Marcelo
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