rgheck wrote: 
> The first question is what document class you are using. 
> Many classes do use different fonts for the headings and 
> body text, so you might just try switching from whatever 
> you are using (book?) to something else, such as 
> book (koma-script). 

You're a lifesaver! The KOMA-Script really helped. I just changed from
"book (more font sizes)" to "book (KOMA-Script)" and it automatically
gave me serif fonts on the body and sans fonts for most of the headings.
Then I asked it to use one of the fonts I installed myself by adding the
following to my Preamble: 
  \setsansfont{A.D. MONO}
and it actually did it! I'm so excited! Thanks for all your help, I'm
sure I'll have more questions later on..


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