Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> Neal Becker wrote:
>> Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>> Neal Becker wrote:
>>>> In ams article, if I don't put a \section, equations are numbered as
>>>> 0.1,
>>>> 0.2, etc.  What can I do about that?
>>> The layout file is adding that (as well as the same convention for
>>> numbering figures) to the preamble.  There's a somewhat unhelpful
>>> comment in the layout file to comment those lines out if you don't want
>>> them -- the catch being that you cannot comment them out in the LyX doc;
>>> you would have to export to LaTeX and comment them out (or delete them)
>>> there.
>>> For the nonce, about the best suggestion I have is to hack the
>>> amsart.layout file, remove either or both lines, and save it -- assuming
>>> you *never* want to number within sections when using AMS article.
>>> Personally, I think the correct approach would be to omit those line
>>> from the layout file and make an optional module for those who do want
>>> numbering within sections.  You might want to file a bug report on this.
>>> /Paul
> I've attached a hacked layout file and a couple of modules to the
> ticket.  If you have not already fixed this yourself, you can download
> them to your local layouts directory, then reconfigure/restart LyX.
> /Paul


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