Pavel Sanda wrote:
> i see three possibilities:
> - one possibility would be to make external template which tries to
>   the instant preview from the included file only. it will work 100%
>   for typeset output, preview will work for figures and somewhat unreliably
>   for the documents i guess.
>   (but as noted previously this maybe does not need external template at
> all for the tikz case.)
> - to make a python script which would take the parent document dumps the
> preamble, then inputs tikz, latex it and returns figure for both preview
> and output.
> - enhance the lyx code for external templates itself; more possibilities
> then -dump the preamble for your scritp somewhere (some tag like
> ParentPreamble dumpfile.tmp) -make some particular command for preview
> generation etc.

The problem is that instant-preview (and most notably dvipng) do not support 
pgf/tikz properly yet.

You can put your tikz figures in an external tex file and \input that (this is 
how I handle my tikz figures). This works very well, however, if you activate 
"Preview" for the include inset, you'll get a very garbled preview.

IMHO the only way to go is an external inset that

* outputs \input{myfigure.tiks} to LaTeX
* uses the graphics approach for the preview.

I think this should be possible with the current external templates approach.


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