
the most effective way (as far as I know) to customise float capions is to
use the package caption which provides several options.
I use it in connection withLyX and the KOMA script report class and I obtain
what I want.
If it is not included in your LaTeX distribution you can download it from:
and install in your computer.

Then in you preamble you should put the following lines:

\captionsetup[table]{format=plain,skip=\medskipamount} % for tables
\captionsetup[figure]{format=plainskip=\medskipamount} %for figures

Check the documentation with all the options you can use at

Best wishes


2009/8/21 <solvi.natl...@uis.no>

> Hi!
> Does anybody know, how can get rid of the indentations in my float caption
> texts (for both figures and tables)?
> Figure 1:        Now my text looks like this,
>                here begins the 2nd line of the caption.
> Figure 2:        And I would like to have something like
> this, where there isn't an indent in the 2nd line.
> Document-class: book(KOMA-script)
> LYX version 1.6.3 for Windows.
> I have tried different things I found on the internet, both ERT and
> commands for the preamble but so far nothing has worked out - either nothing
> happens or I get lots and lots of errors. I have looked in the KOMA-manual
> but I just don't undrstand it- I basically needs an explanation for dummies
> :D
> It should be mentioned that I already have this defined in the preamble:
> \usepackage[dvips=false%
> ,pdftex=false%
> ,vtex=false%
> ,twoside%
> ,papersize={170mm,240mm}% --- A4 with 20mm cut on both sides and 28.8mm cut
> top and bottom
> ,hdivide={24mm,*,24mm}% --- 122mm text width, 24mm margin both sides (no
> binding edge!)
> ,vdivide={11.5mm,*,17.5mm}% --- 28.5+11.5=40mm from top of A4 to text (46mm
> at bottom)
> ,includehead%
> ,includefoot%
> ]{geometry}
> \usepackage[a4,cam,axes,noinfo,center]{crop} % For printing crop-marks on
> a4 manuscript
> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
> \pagestyle{fancy}
> \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\uppercase{#1}}{}}
> \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\uppercase{#1}}}
> \fancyhf{}
> \fancyhead[LE,RO]{\small \thepage} % Left on Even numbered pages & Right on
> Odd
> \fancyhead[LO]{\small \slshape \rightmark} % Left on Odd (Right-hand page)
> \fancyhead[RE]{\small \slshape \leftmark} % Right on Even (Left-hand page)
> \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.5pt}
> I really hope someone can help me with this and please give me the
> dummy-version :D

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