On Friday 28 August 2009 08:51:05 am Piero wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed a strange behaviour:
>  sometimes compound words or slash separated words
> like "example/example" or "example-example"
>  confuse LaTeX (or LyX) and they could
> be printed outside of margins.
> You can put some "example-example-example"
>  inside a random text in a new LyX
> document and PDFize it.
> you will notice the behaviour.
> How to avoid it?
> Thanks.

Hmm, actually I tried and didn't get any strange behavior. Are you sure it 
isn't a simple hyphenation problem, i.e. Latex doesn't have good hyphenation 
points and pushes the word into the margin? Try adding suggested hyphenation 
points to the word and see what happens: Insert>>Formatting>>Hyphenation point  
Or subsitute breakable slashes for the slashes (usually: type ctrl-/ instead 
of just /).

Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy          Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University              Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall                  fran...@philosophy.tamu.edu
College Station, TX 77843-4237

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