On 09/22/2009 04:16 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
Gustavo<gugamil...@gmail.com>  writes:
As a mathematician, I frequently use the package amsthm and, as far as I
know, unfortunately, Lyx does not support this package. I need to insert
latex code (\begin{theorem}, \end{theorem} and similar) everywhere. Not that
this is too restrictive, but it would be nicer if those commands where
better integrated with Lyx. Since Lyx already provides amsmath and amssymb
packages whenever that option is chosen in Document configurations, I
believe that it should also provide amsthm with them.

Go in Documents Settings, Modules panel. There you can pick a module
that will provide you support for theorems (ams or not).

And this should automatically be loaded if you use the AMS classes.


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