Translating the AMS environment labels (theorem, proof, etc) is now 
(from LyX 2.0) automagically made in modules. (thanks to Richard H.:)

Unfortunately, using these modules it's no possible in beamer.
Therefore, translating the theorem labels can be achieved through
two ways ( ) 
- translator with a foo.dict (it's my way by now) or
- through the commands:

and the like

There is an issue with colors. Without the commands above:
'Example' appears green in LyX, green in pdf output
'Theorem' or 'corollary' appear blue in LyX and output. All OK

Using the commands above, the green color is changed to blue (?) in
the output. It happens with 1.6.5 or 2.0.0, for English or French
documents, too. (E.g., template (fr_)beamer-conference-ornate-20min.lyx) 
Otherwise, it seems to work without any problem.


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