My problem is that I have a latex file  with the following preamble:

}{\hfill $\blacksquare $\newline{}}

When import this file in Lyx appears


but I want it in Lyx   appear

*Definición 3* .........BLABLA

Thanks very much and excuse my bad English

2010/5/7 Uwe Stöhr <>

> Am 07.05.2010 18:49, schrieb Sergio Celani:
>  I need help to create *. inc file to place Theorems, Lemma, etc. in
>> Spanish, i.e. Teorema, Lema, Corolario, etc.
>> I would like to modify the files
>> and create new files , like
>> Input
>> Input
> You don't need to do that. The alternative is to translate them directly in
> the LyX file, see
> In the next LyX version, the theorems will automatically be translated
> according to the LyX document language.
> If you want to translate the inc-files anyway, better create a module that
> you can easily load in every LyX document. So have a look at the
> theorem-XXX.module files.
> If you are then still stuck, report back.
> regards Uwe

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