Am 08.05.2010 16:21, schrieb zyc04:

I encountered a problem when I used lyx to produce a file for IEEE
I used lyx 1.6.5+IEEEtran+pdflatex to generate the final pdf, but it
could not pass the eximination of IEEE PDF eXpress.
The information indicates that the fonts symbol and Helvetica are not
embedded. See the attachment.
The font Helvetica originated from the EPS figure generated from Matlab,
because its default font is Helvetica.

You need to embed the fonts when creating the EPS-image. This can be done by creating a PDF image instead of an EPS image. When you have Adobe acrobat, you can either - embed the fonts directly when you create the PDF via the PDF printer (there is an option in the PDF printer settings named "don't sent fonts to Acrobat that you need to uncheck.)
- embed the fonts later by a PDF tool of your choice

If you then still don't have success, make a PNG-image out of your EPS images. This is an ugly solution, but better than nothing.

regards Uwe

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