> This is against usual typesetting rules and therefore not supported by
> LaTeX. I showed you 2 tricks to overcome this and I don't see other ways.
> But you should have a very, very important reason to print something in the
> page margin. Because in case that you print your document by a printing
> press you will get big problems.
> regards Uwe

I still have a real margin of about 1.5cm outside the images. But there is a
much larger margin outside the text.
It is quite common to use what is treated as a margin by the text, but is
available for placement of figures.
Possibly a layout program does it by setting up two columns and restricting
the text to just the inner column.
I don't think that is easy to do with LaTeX.
However your suggestion of using "overhang" was wonderful.I don't know how
"overhang" is achieved.
I just need the macro that produces "overhang" without the macro that
produces "wrap".
That sounds simple, but maybe it isn't.
Thank you for trying to help.

Cheers, George

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