On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:11 AM, Helge Hafting <helge.haft...@hist.no>wrote:

> A figure, (including the caption) can be shifted left or right if you want
> to. Here is one way:
> 1.Insert the figure float.
> 2.The first thing inside this float should be horizontal space.
>  Use a negative length to move into the left margin, or use a
>  positive length to move into the right margin.
>  (Insert->Formatting->Horizontal Space). Set the type
>  to "custom". That lets you type in a custom length.
> 3. After the horizontal space, insert a minipage. (Insert->Box)
>   In the settings, make sure it is a minipage, set the width to
>   100% of line length, and use "no frame". (Frames makes it easier
>   to see what happens, but they have width of their own, so they
>   interfere with precise positioning.)
> 4. Put all your figure content inside this minipage. Both the
>   image and the caption. (The caption can be moved inside
>   the minipage by copy-paste.)
Thank you Helge,

The "sidecap" package with the "wide" option appears to have answered most
of my needs;
but I shall bear in mind your suggestions for moving figures precisely.

George Legge

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