Am 14.09.2010 02:21, schrieb Hemani Kaushal:

I have tried all the options suggested by you. But while updating Miktex, it is
unable to connect to remote package repository giving error message :"connect
failed in tcp_connect()". I have got Miktex 5.8 version. I have tried to update
the package using package manager. But again getting the same error message.

The current MiKTeX version is MiKTeX 2.8. A version 5.8 was never released. I therefore assume that you have version 2.8 installed, please check this.

Besides this, have you pened an Internet connection before reconfiguring LyX or updating MiKTeX? If yes, and MiKTeX cannot connect to the Internet, then your firewall doesn't allow MIKTeX to go to the Internet.

regards Uwe

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