I am using the KOMA-Script article class to
write a short manual. I have noticed that the bullet lists (itemize
environment) are not indented from the text body, but that enumerate
environments are (see attached screenshots from the PDF output). I read
the KOMA-Script manual and I see no option that would allow me to set
this first-level indentation. Furthermore, on page 98 of the
KOMA-Script manual (section 3.6.4: Lists), there is a basic itemize
environment example, where we can clearly see indentation of the first
bullet level from the main text body.

Is there something from another package that could cause this ? I
am only using basic LyX functionality, with Babel (english and frenchb
loaded, english is used).

Thanks in advance for any hints or ideas. I have several bullet lists and the 
lack of indentation really looks odd.


 tweaklist package allows to adapt all the parameters.



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