Rob Oakes wrote:
> I am currently slogging my way through a book chapter on advanced methods
> in LyX/LaTeX and just had a quick question.  Does anyone know if there is
> documentation on how to use LyX with luaTeX?  
> I know that it isn't officially supported, and things would probably break
> terribly, and that it might corrupt my mind and force me to sacrifice my
> first born.  But I'm kind of curious to experiment.  Has anyone spent any
> time using luaTeX from within LyX?  Care to comment on just how broken
> things were?

I tried it once, just out of interest, but LuaTeX was not very stable back 

I suppose now that you can use fontspec, it's just a slight variation from the 
XeTeX setup described here:

Of course it would be very welcome if you could document your effort on the 


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