On 16.11.2010 20:36, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 11/16/2010 02:05 PM, Tim Wescott wrote:
>> On 11/15/2010 08:46 AM, Tim Wescott wrote:
>>> I want to make myself an article template that's otherwise normal,
>>> but with a custom title page.  Basically, I want something that goes
>>> (Nifty graphics with my company logo)
>>>    title
>>>    author
>>>    abstract
>>> (More nifty graphics)
>>> This is for when I need to make a white paper for a customer, or to
>>> post on the web, etc.
>>> I tried to do this as a one-off within LyX, and couldn't even get as
>>> far as inserting nifty graphics ahead of the title.  So it appears I
>>> don't even know where to start.
>>> Where do I start?  Is this something that can be done fairly easily? 
>>> Do I need a template in LaTeX?  If so, how do I
>>> bind/import/convert/whatever it to work with LyX?
>>> TIA
>> I forgot to reply to the list.  You both have my private thanks --
>> here they are publicly.
>> Liviu's direction got me going with a custom "finger-painted" title
>> page; once I have that working well and I get the time to wrap my head
>> around LaTeX programming I'll take a stab at making my own article class.
> If you can fingerpaint it, then it is easy to transform it into
> something concrete for a documentclass. Printing the titlepage is
> usually the job of the \maketitle macro, which you just need to
> redefine. Here it is from article.cls, with some comments interspersed:
>   \...@titlepage
> So we are going to do what follows if we are supposed to make a separate
> title page. The alternative will follow.
>   \newcommand\maketitle{%
> As said, it is the \maketitle macro that actually prints the title page.
> LyX issues this for you.
>   \begin{titlepage}%
> See below for the definition of this environment. It doesn't do that much.
>   \let\footnotesize\small
>   \let\footnoterule\relax
>   \let \footnote \thanks
> Those commands redefine some footnote related stuff just for the titlepage.
>   \null\vfil
> This \vfil together with the one below centers the rest vertically on
> the page.
>   \vskip 60\p@
> Skip us down the page a bit.
> What follows is what really sets up the title page.
>   \begin{center}%
> Centered....
>     {\LARGE \...@title \par}%
> ...print title LARGE...
>     \vskip 3em%
> ...skip more space...
>     {\large
>      \lineskip .75em%
>       \begin{tabular}[t]{c}%
>         \...@author
>       \end{tabular}\par}%
> and that mess is for printing multiple authors.
>       \vskip 1.5em%
>     {\large \...@date \par}%       % Set date in \large size.
>   \end{center}\par
> Skipped more space, printed date.
>   \...@thanks
>   \vfil\null
>   \end{titlepage}%
> Now we restore everything and undefine many of the commands we used, so
> they can't be used again. (No double \maketitle.)
>   \setcounter{footnote}{0}%
>   \global\let\thanks\relax
>   \global\let\maketitle\relax
>   \global\l...@thanks\@empty
>   \global\l...@author\@empty
>   \global\l...@date\@empty
>   \global\l...@title\@empty
>   \global\let\title\relax
>   \global\let\author\relax
>   \global\let\date\relax
>   \global\let\and\relax
> }
> What follows is the version you get without a separate titlepage.
> \else
> \newcommand\maketitle{\par
>   \begingroup
> More footnote redefining, so you get "*", e.g., for the "thanks" footnote.
>     \renewcommand\thefootnot...@fnsymbol\c@footnote}%
>     \d...@makefnmark{\rlap{\@textsuperscript{\normalfo...@thefnmark}}}%
>     \long\d...@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
>             \...@xt@1.8em{%
>                 \h...@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}}##1}%
> What follows is designed to get the title into the right column, I
> think. You can probably just copy it over to a custom class.
>     \...@twocolumn
>       \ifnum \...@number=\@ne
>         \...@maketitle
>       \else
>         \twocolum...@maketitle]%
>       \fi
> What follows is what you get if (a) no separate titlepage and (b) single
> column.
>     \else
>       \newpage
>       \glob...@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
>       \...@maketitle
> So what you get in that case is just \...@maketitle. Indeed, you can see
> that the real action is just in \...@maketitle for this case.
>     \fi
>     \thispagestyle{plai...@thanks
>   \endgroup
>   \setcounter{footnote}{0}%
>   \global\let\thanks\relax
>   \global\let\maketitle\relax
>   \global\l...@maketitle\relax
>   \global\l...@thanks\@empty
>   \global\l...@author\@empty
>   \global\l...@date\@empty
>   \global\l...@title\@empty
>   \global\let\title\relax
>   \global\let\author\relax
>   \global\let\date\relax
>   \global\let\and\relax
> }
> All the same resetting there.
> The real action:
> \d...@maketitle{%
>   \newpage
>   \null
>   \vskip 2em%
> Make sure we start on a new page, and skip down a bit.
>   \begin{center}%
>   \let \footnote \thanks
>     {\LARGE \...@title \par}%
>     \vskip 1.5em%
>     {\large
>       \lineskip .5em%
>       \begin{tabular}[t]{c}%
>         \...@author
>       \end{tabular}\par}%
>     \vskip 1em%
>     {\large \...@date}%
>   \end{center}%
>   \par
>   \vskip 1.5em}
> \fi
> You can see that that is pretty much the same layout as before.
> Here's the titlepage environment.
> \newenvironment{titlepage}
>     {%
>       \...@twocolumn
>         \...@restonecoltrue\onecolumn
>       \else
>         \...@restonecolfalse\newpage
>       \fi
>       \thispagestyle{empty}%
>       \setcounter{pag...@ne
>     }%
>     {...@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage \fi
>      \...@twoside\else
>         \setcounter{pag...@ne
>      \fi
>     }
> As you can see, what it mostly does is just turn off two column, if we
> have it, and set a variable so we remember to restore it at the end.
> Richard

Hi Richard,
thanks to make this explanation public ;-)

It is very halpful wrt my basic latex knowledge, so I can polih a bit
the things I have done so far.



Dr. Hellmut Weber         m...@hellmutweber.de
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