На 19.11.2010 16:52, Uwe Stöhr написа:
Am 19.11.2010 13:51, schrieb Emil Pavlov:

The LyX Math manual gives in sec. 18.2 "Align Environments" a detailed
overview about the different AMS environments. You find this manual in
the Help menu of LyX.

Perhaps, I am stupid, but I cannot find where the difference between
"Aligned Environment" and "AMS align Environment" in section 18.2 is.
Can you give a page number for the math manual in Lyx 1.6.7?

Aligned is an environment to be used within other formula environments as described in sec. 18.6 "Multiline Formula Parts" of the Math manual.

regards Uwe

Thank you. I'm sorry for the stupid question.

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