
On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr <uwesto...@web.de> wrote:
> Use one of the AMS negated relations available in the math toolbar. That are
> almost all relations one could need.
Good to know.

>> See attached example.
> This file doesn't ope with LyX 1.6.x. If you are not testing LyX for bugs or
> development, lease use the stable LyX 1.6.x releases!
I'm dully reading the warning on each SVN checkout. :)

But I've been using 2.0 SVN (at least beginning with alphas, but
possibly even before that) in production mode, if what I do can be
called so, without much more than a hitch here and there. My personal
experience is that trunk is rock stable (anyone reading this, check
first the entire list of bugs tagged 'milestone 2.0.0'!!), but for the
compilation process where I regularly get crashes. (I think the latter
are somehow related to the Sweave module, but I should run a couple of
debugs when I get some time for myself.) If you regularly save before
hitting the preview button---which I do!---you're ready to go.

This is meant as praise to all the devels for their work on 2.0 ;)

> This won't work because \not is not designed to strike-out characters but to
> negate relations.
> But anyway, the syntax you are using in your formula seems to  be wrong. If
> you want to state that a variable is negated, you need to place a \neg if
> front of it. See the attached example file.
Unfortunately my students would probably not much appreciate such
finesse, so I'm not yet sure how to handle this.

> Another issue: you write Var_1 where "Var" is italic. This would mean
> V*a*r_1 but I guess that your variable is named "Var". So to avoid
> confusions, write "Var" upright.
> (Appendix A of the Math manual gives some advices about math typography.)
Thanks for the info. I should take a look at the manual one of these
days. Best regards

> regards Uwe

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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