As Steve said, the Description environment seems to be the right starting
point to do what I want to do. Two follow-up questions:

1) Where do I find the source code for the description environment so that I
can modify it (sorry, I know, I'm a complete newbie at this)? 

2) Furthermore, once I have the source code, let's assume I can modify it to
get what I want. Even then, where do I "put" this new code in order to make
the new "bold-first-line" paragraph environment available in all of my lyx
document classes? (And is there a risk that I might screw up my entire lyx
installation if I do it wrong!)

Now a comment on Ingar's suggestion: It works, but there are two issues:
First, in the PDF output (using pdflatek) there's too much space between the
first, bold sentence and the second non-bold sentence (looks like about 3 or
maybe even 4 times the "usual" amount of space between sentences in pdflatex
paragraph output). Second, although it's a clever kludge and certainly much
easier than manually highlighting the first sentence and bold-ing it, it
would be even easier and most efficient if this could all be done with one
style command rather than two.

Once again, thanks for any follow-up advice you might have.

Best Wishes,

From: [] On Behalf Of
Joel Schwartz
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 10:30 AM
Subject: Is there a lyx style that bolds only the first sentence of a
Hello Lyx Users, 
I'd like to find a way to type paragraphs so that the first sentence of the
paragraph is automatically in bold font and everything after the end of the
first sentence is in "standard" style. I've typed the paragraphs in this
email in this style so you can see what I'm trying to do. I searched through
the user's guide and the keyboard shortcuts under Tools-->Preferences and
didn't see any command or style that looked like it would do this. So for
now I've been selecting the first sentence of each paragraph and typing
Ctrl-B. Not only is this tedious, it is exactly the opposite of the lyx
philosophy! What I'm hoping for is a way to type a keyboard command in the
same way as for other styles (for example, "Alt-P 3" to get a subsection
heading) and have the paragraph then be automatically formatted
Does anyone know if there is a way to create a style that bold's only the
first sentence of a paragraph? Is there such a style already and I've just
missed it? I'm a relatively new lyx user (and I know virtually nothing about
LaTex) and would be grateful for any advice you can provide. 
Best Wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Ingar Pareliussen
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 12:16 PM
Subject: SV: Is there a lyx style that bolds only the first sentence of a


Use paragraph style on the first sentence in each paragraph, and standard on
the rest of the paragraph. In lyx you need to put an enter after the first
sentence,  but in the input the enter will disappear. As far as I know there
is no automatic method, but it should be possible...


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Steve Litt
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Is there a lyx style that bolds only the first sentence of a

I'd start by looking at the source code for the "Description" environment. 
That environment bolds only the first *word*. So instead of bolding until a
space, you could bold to a period, although heaven help you if you have to
use an abbreviation in the sentence.

Anyway, given the existence of Description, what you're describing has to be


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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