Dear Ignacio, I believe you should follow Javier Bezos' article as
well as in his work with Babel. My work will thank you. :D

Julio Rojas

2011/3/31 Ignacio García <>:
> Julio Rojas wrote, Thu, 31 Mar 2011
>> Dear Pavel, in Spanish, the environment "Table" should be "Cuadro",
>> not "Tabla", which is the environment "Tableau". So, changes:
>> Table => Cuadro
>> Tableau => Tabla
> I agree, it's absolutely right in tight Spanish,
> (
> However:
> The usual practice in well known word processors (libreoffice,
> abiword, word...), and then the name generally used by the people,
> is "tabla".
> "Tabla" was the used term when I started (~2007) and I have
> attempted to keep on the translations made by the preceding
> translators (yes, this is a weak argument...)
> If "table=cuadro", then "box=cuadro" becomes confused
> and we need to change it, (maybe "marco"?)
> Otherwise, when the document is exported via latex,
> spanish-babel uses "cuadro" for table.
> In regard to "tableau", defines some specific environments
> useful for linguistic, logics ... (linguistics.module)
>  (
> In these contexts, "tableaux" is used as such in Spanish articles.
> Therefore, I don't think that "Tabla" is accurate in this case.
> Of course, suggestions or ideas about these issues are welcome, please.
> Regards
> Ignacio García

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