I gave this request to the PortableApps Forum "Request Apps"
yesterday (http://portableapps.com/node/27981) :

LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply
their appearance (WYSIWYG): http://www.lyx.org.

Some years befor there has been topics about a portable LyX in
PortableApps. But they didn't induce a portable Lyx. 

On http://code.google.com/p/lytex/ there has been a portable Lyx für a
while. It worked well, but it is abandoned now. 

LyX had a a great leap forward now with the version 2.0, that was
published this month. 

I suggest to create a portable Lyx:
Lyx needs for running some other programs (see
http://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/LyXWinInstaller). I myself never made a
portable app before. Is someone here who agrees to create a portable

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Schmidt

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