Dear Mike, on your first question, you do like you'll do with text. Just put
the cursor on the line where the figure is, and click on the "Paragraph
settings" button. Select "Center" for alignment, and voilá.

Julio Rojas

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Mike Bonhoff <> wrote:

> Hallo,
> I wanna make a graph and give it a title, say "name". I think this name is
> written under the graph normally. So I think creating a figure must be the
> right thing.
> So I clicked Insert->Float->figure and gave the figure the "name" and
> inserted the graph.
> But I have 2 problems:
> 1st: The "name" is centered, that means in the middle of the paper to the
> left and right. On the other hand, my figure is on the left side.
> I don't know how I can center the figure, too. I read the handbook (German
> version) and there were some hints, especially for importing existing
> figures, but not a lot of hints how to create such a figure by yourself.
> 2nd: I wanted to create an undirected graph and choose to do it with an
> x-y-pic-matrix with this code within the math mode:
> \xymatrix{a\dir[dr]&b&c\\d&e&f}
> That creates an xy-pic-matrix with 2 rows (because of the \\ command) and 3
> rows (because of the 2-times & command).
> \dir[dr] makes an arc to the element which is one step below (d for down)
> and one element to the right (r for right). I used to write \dir@{-}[dr]
> instead of \dir[dr] because that made an undirected edge instead of an arc.
> But that doesn't work anymore; I don't know why.
> Is there a better way to do that, for example with tikz, and is it easy to
> use that within lyx? If not, how can I create simple edges in that
> xy-pic-environment and place the title under the figure.
> Thanks!
> Mike Bonhoff
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