On 26/05/2011 11:21 p.m., Trevor Jenkins wrote:
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Julio Rojas <jcredbe...@gmail.com
<mailto:jcredbe...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    BTW, Andrew, how did you manage to copy from a PDF and pasting on
    Abiword keeping the format? I was curious, so I tried with a simple
    PDF, but it only pasted plain text.

I tried something similar. Had a LyX-generated PDF file open, copied the
content and pasted it into an OpenOffice.org document. The pasted
version had some of the PDF markup with it, font size mostly but not
much more. This was under Mac OS X with Abode Reader.

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

I did some experiments -- created a Lyx document and emphasised a few words here and there, then created a pdf. In the pdf, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C then in Abiword or my dear old Word 95 Ctrl-V. No italics. That's strange. So I went back to LyX and played about a bit. The critical thing seems to be to choose a definite non-default font. If, for instance, I choose Latin Modern and go through the same procedure, then the paste into Word or Abiword retains the emphasis. Reverting to the default font, or Computer Modern, and the emphasis is not pasted.


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