On 10/07/2011 5:46 PM, Harold Mouras wrote:
Dear List,
writting a book under Lyx under the memoir class, I have part title in this
document. For these part, I'd like to add a little descriptive text for the
part centered on the page. I've read that this would possible with this
memoir class, but don't know which label to choose for this text or what
kind of latex instructions to specify.
Any help would be wonderful !
Thank you very much in advance,
Sincerely yours,

It is a bit convoluted but it is explained in section 13.3.1 "13.3.1 Epigraphs on book or part pages" of the memoir manual. It seems you would need to copy/paste some of the code there into TeX Code boxes in your LyX document, unless somebody actually did a layout for this in LyX?


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